Our Research

Our research focuses on developing a deep understanding of the issues faced by young people so we can identify what change is needed and create a plan for action. 

Protecting young people from exposure to violence

Previous LPAC research identified that for many young people violence is seen as an inevitable, routine and normal part of their lives. However, young people also told us that when they had access to safe spaces outside of school and could reach out to trusted adults or peers, they felt protected from violence.

Our current research focuses on better understanding what makes certain spaces safe for young people and the role of trusted adults, so we can take action to reduce the exposure of more young people to violence in Lambeth.

Understanding Young People’s Experiences of Violence in Lambeth

Violence is a long-standing issue in Lambeth, affecting the lives of young people on a daily basis. Experiences of violence can be life altering events for young people as well as their families and the wider community. All too often, however, the young people most impacted by it are not heard

Over the course of two years, the LPAC team spoke to over 400 young people to understand their experiences of violence. This research used peer research methods and was supported by embedded researchers from Kings College.