LPAC partners are established local community organisations offering a variety of services for young people in Lambeth. They provide the infrastructure for LPAC research and action to take place.
High Trees
High Trees delivers projects and services for its local community in 5 interlinked areas: Children, Young People & Families, Education & Training, Employment & Careers, Community Action and Sector Support.
Juvenis’ main focus is on supporting young people from vulnerable and disenfranchised communities, especially those at risk of offending and criminal related behaviours.
Spiral Skills
Spiral works collaboratively with pupil referral units, schools, colleges, universities and youth centres to deliver developmental employability programmes to young people experiencing barriers to employment.
St Matthew's Project
The St Matthew’s Project in Brixton provides a safe and encouraging environment where 3 – 25 year olds can come together and enjoy structured football sessions and other activities.
Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organisation (IRMO)
Led by and for the community, IRMO provides wrap-around support to enable the development, agency and participation of Latin Americans and other Spanish and Portuguese speakers living in the UK.