
When your estate is under-invested, damp and crowded, how are you supposed to feel about your place in society? 

Unsafe housing, rising rents and living costs and a lack of good quality youth provision create conditions for people to find supplementary income ‘on the road’, or simply lower their ambitions. 

Whether you’re a social or private tenant or a homeowner, housing policy must prioritise resident wellbeing.

Talk it Out Session

Following their initial research the LPAC team organised a Talk it Out session with 59 young people, to better understand the issues, and potential solutions, around housing.

Key issues identified in session:

  • Overcrowding
  • Poor conditions and slow repair of council housing
  • Concerns around safety and high levels of crime
  • Gentrification
  • Lack of housing affordability
Potential solutions:
  • Raise awareness and campaign on issues 
  • More spaces and activities needed for young people

Actions taken

  • The LPAC team has worked with St Matthews Project, High Trees and Spiral – organisations providing youth services in Lambeth – to explore how their spaces for young people can be improved and developed to better serve their communities. 
  • LPAC met with Lambeth MPs to discuss the future of youth organisations based at International House. 
  • The LPAC team shared their research and manifesto with senior members of  Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing and the community panel on Clapham Park estate.

“Meeting with LPAC provided the opportunity to see the situation directly from the perspective of young people. The presentation and ensuing conversation will be used to influence our regeneration designs.”