
Our social action aims to improve the lives of young people in Lambeth and as a Collective we use our research findings to create a plan for change. Our action can take a variety of forms and in the past has included campaigning for changes to policy and practice and the development of new services for young people. 

Current Campaigns

The LPAC team is currently analysing their latest research findings to uncover insights that will drive their plan for social action. More information on this will be coming soon.

Our Manifesto for Change

During its initial research on understanding young people’s experiences of violence in Lambeth, the LPAC team created a manifesto for change. 

This important document outlines key directions for action that emerged from their findings and has since become a foundational framework. 

The team plans to continue revisiting the manifesto as they explore new avenues for action emerging from subsequent pieces of research.

Our Manifesto for Change

During its initial research on understanding young people’s experiences of violence in Lambeth, the LPAC team created a powerful Manifesto for Change. This important document outlines key directions for action that emerged from their findings and has since become a foundational framework for driving meaningful change. 

As new research findings emerge, the team remains committed to revisiting and using their manifesto as a key document.

The team also organised a series of youth-led Talk It Out sessions with partner organisations, where young people came together to provide feedback on initial research finding. These sessions explored the structural inequalities that underpinned young people’s experiences of violence and what actions could be taken in response. Three key campaign themes that emerged from these discussions were: opportunities, housing and education.